Do you have some extra funds that you want to protect, but gain REAL interest on?  Check out this article from us!  We advise you to take advantage of this while you can.    
Jennings Group will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2022, in remembrance to all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice FOR US!
  Child Tax Credit The new child tax credit was made fully refundable in 2021 and increased to up to $3,600 per year per child through age 5, and up to $3,000 per year for children ages 6 to 17. (Parents of newborns born in 2021 can also claim this credit in 2022.) Eligible families...
We will be closed Wednesday, 12/22/2021, and Thursday, 12/23/2021, for the Christmas holidays and will reopen Monday, 12/27/2021, at 10am.
Click here for some great end of year tips for your 2021 tax return!