DROP-OFF RETURNS: Effective Monday, 3/24/2025, we cannot guarantee that your tax return will be completed by the due date and you may need to file an extension.
At this time, we are not accepting new clients (unless they already had an existing appointment scheduled). If we did not complete your 2023 tax return last year, you will be considered a new client. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Drop off Forms
(Not used for "in person" appointments)
Would you want to use our drop off service?
Save yourself some time and fill out the forms before you get to the office!
Our latest updates.
Jennings Group will closed today, Wednesday, 1/8/2025, due to the inclement weather.
We are incredibly grateful for the loyal clientele we’ve served over the past 14 years....
We will be closing at 4:00pm on Tuesday, 10/31/2023, in order to get home before...